Data & Research
Children of Metropolitan St. Louis Data Book
About CMSL
The Children of Metropolitan St. Louis (CMSL) data book currently contains over 40 indicators of child well-being, reported at the county, zip code, school district, or neighborhood/municipality level. The report includes tabular data and maps that allow the user to better visualize the data and identify community trends. The CMSL report is intended to provide current, accurate, and comprehensive child well-being data for community engagement and action activities, community assessment, program evaluation, grant applications, and the improvement of policy and service provision.
We encourage the use of these data to address inequities and improve the well-being of children and families in our community.
CMSL Background
Over the past 30 years, Vision for Children at Risk produced twelve editions of the Children of Metropolitan St. Louis report. Over time we have expanded the geography for collected data, increasing from two counties to the five core counties that comprise the St. Louis region (St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and St. Charles County in Missouri and Madison and St. Clair counties in Illinois). Additionally, we have added indicators to ensure a holistic picture of child well-being that reflects trends identified in and by the community. However, there is one thing that has not changed about this report over the years: the focus on the persistent inequities and disparities in child well-being outcomes evident across the St. Louis region.