Family Engagement
Parent Cafes
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The Parent Cafés process was developed by parent leaders from Strengthening Families Illinois in 2007. Cafés are hosted by parents for parents. Both Parent Cafés and Dad’s Cafés provide parents and caregivers a safe and welcoming space to connect and learn from each other. They are centered on the Strengthening Families™ Five Protective Factors:
- Resilience: Parent Resilience;
- Relationships: Positive Social Connections;
- Support: Concrete Support in Times of Need;
- Knowledge: Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development; and
- Communication: Social and Emotional Competence.
Click here to learn more about Be Strong Families and the Parent Café model.
With the Parent and Dad’s Cafés, we are working to:
- Promote individual deep self-reflection;
- Introduce parents to and educate them about the Five Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors that keep families strong;
- Build the Five Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors in the course of the Café itself;
- Enhance community and foster meaningful relationships among all those who are planning and participating in the Cafés;
- Strengthen partnerships between parents and service providers;
- Provide participants with an opportunity to practice positive communication skills; and
- Provide a foundation for healing from trauma and increased well-being.
Taken from the Be Strong Families™ Parent Café Training Institute Participant’s Manual.
Join Us
We host monthly Parent Cafés that are open to all parents and caregivers. Check out our upcoming events here, or contact our staff directly to learn more.
- PACT-STL hosts Parent Cafés every 3rd Tuesday from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM and also offers a more frequent day time option from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM on select Wednesdays. Choose the time that works best for your schedule! Contact Katina Johnson to join: or 314-534-6015 ext. 112.
- Project LAUNCH hosts monthly Parent Cafés in the evening. Contact Jamila Valentine to join: or 314-534-6015 ext. 122.
Interested in hosting Parent Cafés? Contact Project LAUNCH Director, Isaac McBride ( to learn more about the Parent Café Training Institute.
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Upcoming Events

System of Care Council
Collaborating on issues concerning families and mental health.

Children's Mental Health Events
A Family Summit on Friday and Family-Fun Event Saturday!

Parent Café Next Series Coming Soon!
Children’s Data
Vision for Children at Risk informs the community with data and information on child well-being in the St. Louis area, builds and drives collaboration and strategic action for children, and advocates for policies and investment in children that support child well-being.