Family Toolkit
Connected 2 Services & Supports
The Strengthening Families™ Five Protective Factors are key ingredients towards creating a better future for our children. They help ensure we have a family and support system that can handle life’s ups and downs.
Social & Emotional Competence of Children | Communication
When children receive lots of nurturing & love from a young age, they are better equipped to learn and develop in a healthy way. Parents and caregivers make a big difference by caring for their child(ren) and helping them to experience, understand, & talk about their emotions. Download the Positive Solutions for Families Handbook from the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations here.
Positive Social Connections | Relationships
Parenting is hard, life can be hard, but when we have positive social connections, we remember that we are not alone and that we will get through this. We all need someone else to help support and build us up sometimes. Surround yourself with people who want you to thrive. Join a Parent Café
Concrete Support in Times of Need | Support
Parenting becomes so much harder when our basic needs are not met. It is imperative that families are able to access the concrete supports (i.e. housing, nutritious foods, healthcare, transportation, etc.) they need so that they can show up in the best way to nurture and provide for their child(ren). If you need these supports, connect to our Direct Support Team.
Knowledge of Child Development | Knowledge
Parenting is part natural and part learned and every family is different. Seek out opportunities to learn new methods. Our children are constantly evolving and what works now, might not work later. Build your toolbox for supporting your child in the ways that help them and you thrive. See what developmental milestones are typical at your child’s age and how you can support their learning and growth here (for children birth – 5 years) and here for older children.
Parental Resilience | Resilience
When things are going well, we can work on building our resiliency. Then, when we hit on hard times, we remember that we will bounce back. Nobody is perfect, and perfection is not the goal, but we can work towards coming back stronger and healthier when life throws us challenges. Resilience is all about how you respond during stressful or challenging times. This tip sheet has great ideas for helping you and your child regain balance when behaviors and emotions flair up. Access the tip sheet here.
Connected 2 Trainings
Enhanced Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services & Standards Training (CLAS)
Whether you are providing or receiving services, you have rights and responsibilities to ensure equity is at the center of those services. This is an ongoing training that we offer to our families and partners. Contact Isaac McBride at to learn more.
The Incredible Years®
The Incredible Years® Parenting program is based on videotape modeling and group discussions. We know that parenting children can be rewarding and difficult at the same time. This program allows parents to sort out issues they face with young children. Some of the themes that resonate throughout the program are Promoting responsive parenting, The Attention Rule, Nonviolent Discipline, Accepting Each Child’s Unique Temperament, Practice Makes Perfect, All Children Make Mistakes and Their Parents Do Too, Parents Must Use Their Power Responsibly and Consistently, and an overall motivation to have fun parenting.
This program provides a family with a parent toolkit to weather the uncomfortable but rewarding storms of parenting by building a foundation for a positive relationship with your child, providing clear and predictable discipline, and positive communication and collaboration within the family. (Content from The Incredible Years® Website) Contact Yolanda West at to learn more.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
“Mental Health First Aid® is a skills-based training that teaches people how to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of a mental health or substance use challenge in adults ages 18 and over. (” We offer this training for families and partner organizations. Contact Jawana Hammonds at to learn more.
Parent Café Training Institute (PCTI)
Parent Cafés are hosted by parents for parents. They provide parents and caregivers a safe and welcoming space to connect and learn from each other and are centered on the Strengthening Families™ Five Protective Factors. We utilize the official model of Parent Café model from Be Strong Families because we continue to hear from parents that it has an impact. We offer PCTIs to other organizations and groups interested in hosting their own Parent Cafés. Contact Isaac McBride at to learn more.
Connected 2 Collaborative Action
Parent Advisory Councils (PAC)
Families should be at the center of decisions that impact them. The Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) help us make that happen. Parent Advisory Councils put leadership and decision-making power back in your hands and connect you to a broad network of systems change makers. Learn more here.
Community Café
Community Cafés are all about conversations that matter. We take community issues; we create a safe space for community members and stakeholders to talk; we learn and grow together; and we take action together. Join us for our Community Café where we are working together to Improve our child protection system. Learn more here.
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Upcoming Events

System of Care Council
Collaborating on issues concerning families and mental health.

Children's Mental Health Events
A Family Summit on Friday and Family-Fun Event Saturday!

Parent Café Next Series Coming Soon!
Children’s Data
Check out our CMSL Data Book and our new interactive Children’s Data Center
Quantitative and qualitative data should provide the foundation for informed, strategic, collaborative community engagement, action, and advocacy. We invite you to explore the data and join us in working towards a better future for children and families in the St. Louis region.